Open Data: Promise and Peril in Modern Data Flows

August 25, 2022 @ 6:30PM — 7:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

Open Data: Promise and Peril in Modern Data Flows image

Join us- Open Data: Promise and Peril in Modern Data Flows!!

Every day, information flows at rates and quantities that are difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Within this vastness of data exist two competing concepts:

  • Data should be proprietary and guarded,
  • Data should be open and publicly available.

It is generally believed that data related to personal financial and medical data should be private and secure, while it may be important for items such as NASA and SEC data to be open and publicly available. There can be gaps in security for both types. Those gaps are exploited by opportunists engaging unknowing targets. When technology outpaces oversight, it can create friction between the parties involved. It can also bring opportunities for good.

  • What happens when intellectual property rights impede research?
  • How do the strategies used by large corporations and individuals vary when it comes to making use of open data and where does each have a competitive advantage?
  • What are governments doing to confront these new challenges, and do they play by the same rules?
  • How do companies create value for their customers by sharing data?

Join us as we dive into this broad topic with our panel of three technology leaders:

Jason Barkeloo, Founder and CEO, Open Therapeutics

Debbie Kramer, Sr. Director - Privacy, The Kroger Co.

Michael Wilhite, VP Enterprise Standards, 84.51°

This virtual event is free, with a suggested donation of $20.

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